Unlock Freelancing Success with AI Side Hustle Review Course

AI Side Hustle Review



Thanks for checking out the AI Side Hustle Review; AI Side Hustle is a freelancing course designed to equip individuals with the skills to use AI tools like ChatGPT and Midjourney for freelance work. Let’s dive into the key points:

Course Content: The program teaches you how to utilize AI to provide digital services on platforms like Upwork.

Pricing: The course costs $97 as a one-time payment.






Verdict: While the concept is promising, the execution falls short of the price.


AI Side Hustle Review: Overview

Creator: Joshua Zamora

Product: AI Side Hustle

The official page : >>Click here to access

Front-end price: $34.95 (one-time payment)

The discount coupon: Check below in the Price Section!

Bonus: Yes, Huge Bonus

Guarantee: 30-day money-back guarantee!

Vendor’s support: Send your questions to: 



How It Works

AI Side Hustle guides you in using AI tools to fulfill client requests. For instance:


AI Side Hustle Review


AI Side Hustle Review: Feature 


Simple Process: AI Side Hustle offers a straightforward, copy-and-paste process that anyone can follow.

No Hard Selling: You won’t need to engage in hard selling or any sales efforts.

Quick Results: With minimal effort, you can secure your first sale within days and potentially earn 4-5 figures per month.

Client Acquisition: Learn how to use AI tools like ChatGPT to fulfill client requests. For instance, you can write Amazon product descriptions or create logos using AI.

Low Entry Barrier: The course is accessible even for beginners.

Efficient Fulfillment: Utilize AI tools for efficient service delivery.


You’re Getting Inside:



AI Side Hustle Review: Bonus


Bonus #1 : Our EXACT Proposal Templates So “Closing” And Getting Paid is a BREEZE! $97 Value

This bonus alone allows you to REALLY hit the ground running and eliminates ALL guesswork when it comes to getting clients. Remember, our ENTIRE strategy is based around going after clients who are ASKING to have services completed for them. Part of the process is reaching out to these clients and ensuring YOUR message stands out. Well, with our PROVEN templates, you WILL. These are the SAME templates that allow us to have a 75% closing ratio.

PLUS, you’re getting one for EACH of the SIX niches we recommend focusing on.

We could have easily sold this as a separate upgrade and charged anywhere from $67, $97, $197 or more. Especially when you consider that using our template to land just ONE client will MORE than pay for itself! However for the next few days ONLY, you get ALL 6 templates FOR FREE!

Bonus #2 : The Exact ChatGPT Prompts We Use To Skyrocket Our Profit Even MORE! $97 Value

This entire side hustle is all around how to use AI to quickly land BIG paydays, right? So in the spirit of that, we wanted to also show you how we use ChatGPT to skyrocket your profit even more. In fact, we’ll even be giving you the EXACT prompts to use to customize our template proposals to really remove ALL limits to your profits.

In this bonus, we’ll be walking you through a REAL example of how we’d reach out to a client, and how to customize our message to them using ChatGPT and some very specific prompts we use ourselves.

This is the kind of bonus that can EASILY lead to an extra 4-5 figures to your bottom line PER MONTH – so if we charged $97 for this training alone, it’d be totally worth it!

Bonus #3: Our EXACT “Resume” Template We Use To Set Ourselves Up As the EXPERT And Skyrocket Your Conversions! $197 Value

Part of our process is setting up accounts on some very specific sites where you’ll be able to communicate with your potential clients. Part of setting up these accounts is having your “profile” or your “digital resume”. This is part of what clients will see before they trust you to hire you for the job they need to be done.

Instead of leaving this to chance and you have to write this up yourself, we’ve decided to provide you with the EXACT resume template that we use that helps us land 75% of the clients we reach out to!

This bonus can easily mean the difference between landing a client and not. And when we’re talking about a potential $300 job, this is TOTALLY worth it!


AI Side Hustle Review: Testimonial




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Frequently Asked Questions


Q. How Fast Can I Get Results With This?

A. Of course, we can’t guarantee any results because we have no idea how quickly you will consume the course and how quickly you’ll put it into action. However, when following the EXACT steps laid out in our course and setting everything up, our students have been able to get their first sale in a matter of DAYS!

Q. Are there any other costs associated with this method?

A. No. All the AI tools we show you to use to fulfill the services are FREE! And All of the sites we show you to create accounts on are also FREE! The only thing needed is for you to take action.

Q. What Services Are You Offering?

A. We cover all of that in the course, but it’s all simple services that small businesses need like logo design, website design, etc that can all be fulfilled with AI. There’s a total of 6 “niches” that we recommend focusing on in the course.

Q. Is there a money-back guarantee?

A. Yes, 30 days money-back guarantee as listed above.

Q. What are the Upgrades?

A. Upgrade #1 Bundle OTO 1 is a special offer for DFY Suite 5.0.

     Upgrade/OTO 3 is a special offer for DFY Suite. This is the PERFECT extension of our OTO 1. In OTO 1, we show you how to convert your one-time customers into RECURRING SEO clients.           And DFY Suite is our powerful platform where we’ll build high quality backlinks for your clients FOR YOU so you can maximize your recurring profit. Combining AI Side Hustle with DFY Suite       will make Sure You can confidently collect recurring revenue using the strategies we cover in 

     Upgrade #1!.

      Inside of DFY Suite we’ll build Web 2.0 links for you, Private Blog Network links for you, Wiki links for you, Have local citations built for you, Google Map Embeds for Local rankings, YouTube        Embeds for fast video rankings and much much more!!

      It’s the PERFECT fit so you can confidently deploy the strategies we teach you in OTO 1. Plus, you’ll be getting an INSANE discount for one of our MOST popular packages

       Upgrade #2:  

       Bundle Upgrade/OTO 2 is going to be a special offer for one of our NEW and UNRELEASED AI platforms. We’ve put together a powerful Press Release AI writer to write ALL of your Press          Releases FOR YOU!

        Press Releases is one of our favorite strategies that we use in our ranking method to get some powerful backlinks to shoot our sites to page 1 within the first month. However, finding and                    hiring someone to write press releases for you is a HUGE P.I.T.A. So, we’ve decided to build a CUSTOM AI Engine that will write PERFECT Press Releases for you that will be ready to be                    distributed.




Is It Worth It?


In theory, AI Side Hustle offers an enticing proposition. However, the lack of transparency and some questionable practices raise concerns. If you’re considering this course, weigh the pros and cons carefully.


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